Please Don’t Give Up On Yourself Or Your Dreams!!
There are two kinds of acceptance. There’s the GOOD kind, where you accept reality for what it is, and then assess what YOU can do to make it better, move forward, etc. Then there’s...
There are two kinds of acceptance. There’s the GOOD kind, where you accept reality for what it is, and then assess what YOU can do to make it better, move forward, etc. Then there’s...
I may be a confidence coach, but I am nowhere near perfect. Confidence is fluid, and no matter what level we’re at, we’re all going to experience highs and lows. I’ve been up and...
Warning: You can hear my kids in the background again. I love you and I thank you for being here!! If you clicked on the title of this episode, I think it’s safe to...
Fair warning first: you can hear my kids in the background a lot on this one! I apologize and I appreciate your grace. 🙂 Confidence is a tricky subject. But one surefire way to...
Confidence / Energy / Podcast
Did you know that apparently I’m afraid…of EVERYTHING? I’m learning Reiki right now, and my Reiki teacher did a session with me, and she told me the first thing she felt was ALLLLLLL THE...
Have you been feeling stressed lately? Overwhelmed? Consumed with anxiety or worry? Sad or depressed? Me too. Much of the stress and overwhelm that we feel (not all, of course, but a good portion...
Confidence / Energy / Podcast
We’re continuing to break down and hopefully break apart this whole imposter syndrome idea. I mentioned in a previous podcast that there’s a difference between faking confidence/pretending and raising your vibration to step INTO...
Hey hey! It’s a BONUS episode! I did things a little backwards–I recorded the episode on “fake it til you make it,” and THEN I went into my Facebook group as well as the...
Confidence / Energy / Podcast
I’ve always disliked the phrase “fake it til you make it.” I get what it’s supposed to mean, and I get that it works because it rhymes, but I feel like it gets taken...
We’re continuing our talk on Imposter Syndrome because it’s such a big topic that affects so many of us. Part of imposter syndrome is feeling like we’re not enough, we’re not good enough, we’re...