Akashic Records Sessions

reiki, energy healing, reiki master, aura, chakra healing, meditation, energy work, milwaukee, wisconsin

So what exactly are the Akashic Records?

Think of it as the library of your soul’s journey. It exists only in energetic form, but if you were to imagine it as a real place, you could walk into this library and it would be filled with books detailing your soul’s past lives, your current journey, and also future possibilities.

**I want to quickly note here the wording of “future possibilities.” An Akashic Records session that looks into the future is not meant to predict the future. You ALWAYS have free will; that’s why it’s simply “possibilities.”**

The reason the Akashic Records are so exciting is because there are so many things we can do inside them! When you book your session, you can choose which type of session you’d like to do!

The Records are an amazing tool to help you overcome obstacles and release patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving you. I like to look at it as a kind of spiritual life coaching.

These sessions are different from Reiki because here you will be an active participant. You’re encouraged to ask as many questions as you wish, and talk out anything that comes up, and I will be describing and relaying anything that’s coming through on the spot.

(It is definitely possible that Reiki or other energy healing may end up taking place during your session if we are guided that way!)

We each have our own set of Akashic Records guides, and I connect to them to get the answers to your questions, but I encourage you to be still and connect as well, paying attention to any messages, nudges, or signs that you pick up on!

These sessions have been nothing short of mind-blowing–I’m excited for what may happen in YOUR session!

Check out this testimonial!

“I have been having a nudge to work in my records for a month or so.  My morning meditations nudged me to book with Kerri until I finally followed the prompting and did the thing.

The experience was more than I could have ever expected!

The akashic coaching and reiki was exactly what I needed to assist in guiding me through a major transition in my life.  I began the session feeling uncertain, emotional, and second guessing my intuition.

By the end of the session I had confirmation about my purpose and path, a clear understanding of which inspired steps I should be taking moving forward, and an unexpected peace and assurance about the divinity of this stressful and trying experience.

If you are feeling that nudge to work with Kerri, you will not be disappointed!  The powerful information she brings through with her gentle spirit will put you at ease and she will ensure by the end of the session you are moving forward in a way that serves your being…mind, body, and soul!”

Janessa Finley, energy psychologist @ Fiercely Radiant Soul

Here are the types of sessions you can choose from:

Clearing Contracts and Vows:

Feeling stuck in a certain area of life? It’s possible that in a past life, you made a vow or signed a contract as a result of a certain situation. However, that contract or vow is no longer serving you and we can go in to clear it.

For example, perhaps you were rich in a past life but your loved ones ended up getting hurt as a result of situations around your money, so you took a vow of poverty so that no one else would get hurt…and now in your current life you always struggle with getting ahead financially.

Or maybe you were deeply hurt in a relationship, so you signed a contract that you would never allow anyone to get that close to you again to prevent future pain…and now in your current life you struggle to maintain healthy long-term relationships.

You do not need to know what your contract or vow is before going into this kind of session. But if you’re reading this and you have a nudge that this might be what’s holding you back, trust that nudge and book this session!

Soul Gift Retrieval:

This is similar to clearing a contract or vow but with a specific goal of retrieving one of your soul’s gifts.

This could be something like your intuitive gifts such as clairvoyance or clairsentience or any of the other clairs that you’re working on opening up but can’t seem to get all the way.

It could be self-confidence, it could be psychic or medium abilities, healing abilities, etc.

Your past self may have made a vow not to use these gifts again as a result of something negative or traumatic. In this session, I guide you back to meet your past self and explain that you need access to these gifts again.

Akashic Records Coaching:

This is life or even business coaching from your Akashic Records guides!

In this session, we remain in the present (maybe a peek into future possibilities) and you can ask your guides questions, like what you need to know about a certain situation, why you’re struggling with something, what your next steps should be, etc.

Sometimes you’ll receive a direct answer, sometimes you might get a question back instead.

Enter this kind of session open to guidance rather than expecting exact yes or no answers, and know that sometimes the guides may not fully answer certain questions if you’re not ready to know the answer. 😉

Past Life Healing/Inner Child Healing:

These are two different types of sessions but they have similar outlines.

We will go into the past–either a past life or your present life’s childhood–and find a specific point where something happened to you that needs healing and forgiveness. There may be a vow clearing as well, but not necessarily.

We send both forgiveness and gratitude, and we bring those newly healed emotions back to the present.

**This could be particularly intense, and this is not meant as therapy or psychiatric help. If there is extremely deep trauma or abuse that needs healing, I am not trained to help you work through these types of issues. These sessions could be used in conjunction with appropriate therapy but should not be used as a substitute.**

**Also available: Wealth Healing Sessions!**

This is a package of 4 sessions taking you through one past life session, one childhood session, one present session, and one future session, all with the specific intention of clearing money blockages!

To book this package, go here!