The Supported Feminine:

The Supported Feminine:

Growing Your Business and Living Your Purpose Through Setting Boundaries
A One-Day Intensive to Establish Foundation and Flow in Your Business
If you're a female entrepreneur in the beginning stages of your business or side hustle, you've probably come across conflicting messages of how to move the needle. One coach promotes hustle culture while another insists you must align with your feminine flow and clients will flock to you with minimal effort...
So which is it? Do you hustle in your masculine energy to get faster results? Or do you flow in your feminine energy so you're "soul-aligned"?
The truth is you need both--the masculine energy of hustle helps to lay the foundation of your business so that you can allow the ease of the feminine energy (meaning you are ready and able to receive in your business--money, clients, testimonials, etc).
But even the balance between the two is different for everyone. It doesn't have to always be 50/50. They just both need to have a voice.
The way to figuring that out and making sure your business looks and feels the way you want it to?
Setting AND maintaining your boundaries.


What if you could:
-Stop feeling like you had to say "yes" to every client and every opportunity
-Not feel bad about saying "no"
-Feel supported even if no one else supports your vision
-Have the time you desire to work on your business
-Get rid of pressure or desperation to get a sale
-Feel confident in how you show up online and for your clients
-Feel grounded knowing what you want your business and life to look like

The Supported Feminine:

Growing Your Business and Living Your Purpose Through Setting Boundaries
A One-Day Intensive to Establish Foundation and Flow in Your Business


During this experience, you'll create a plan to not only establish boundaries but also be ready to enforce them!

And we'll support those boundaries with intentional Reiki energy!


With the masculine energy of boundaries in place, you'll feel more freedom and confidence to be yourself and show up the way YOU want to (feminine energy) as you create and grow your soul-aligned business.


We will:

-Talk about boundaries and why they're important, and I'll share some personal examples


-Spend time journaling to determine where you need to set boundaries (or better ones)--time to share and/or ask questions


-Create your plan to help you maintain and enforce your boundaries (We'll chat and coach through this as well!)


-Experience a group Reiki energy healing session to clear blockages that have prevented you from feeling confident in standing up for yourself


-Possible individual card readings and opening of the Akashic Records (meeting your guides and listening for any signs or messages)


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Your Order

Boundaries Intensive - Early Bird
$77.00 USD

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Boundaries Intensive - Early Bird
$77.00 USD

What to expect:

-Date: February 25
-Time: 12pm-4pm CST
-Location: Zoom link to be provided
-Replay will be available to all who register!
-Investment: $77
(The recording will be available afterwards at $111, so make sure you register for the live class to get it at the current investment!)
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Your Order

Boundaries Intensive - Early Bird
$77.00 USD

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Boundaries Intensive - Early Bird
$77.00 USD

Hosted by Kerri Jokala

Reiki Master Teacher, Fitness Instructor, Host of The Energy Within Podcast, and mom of two little boys


It's been a long journey from really lacking self-esteem to reaching the level of confidence I'm at now. I would never claim to be perfect by any means (confidence is a fluid journey, and I don't believe there's ever a FINAL level), but I've learned a lot along the way.


As a kid, I was quiet. I rarely spoke up for myself, I barely had any friends (and usually none inside of school), and while I wouldn't say I was bullied, I was definitely made fun of and intentionally excluded from practically everything.


It took a huge toll on my confidence, and I spent many years going back and forth between trying the "fake it til you make it" method and just feeling sorry for myself, hoping someone would take pity on me.


It wasn't until after college that I had a couple of light bulb moments where I truly recognized myself in other people, in a way that made me realize how other people were probably seeing me--and I knew that unfortunately I was repelling people instead of drawing them in.


That led to me consciously working to improve my confidence and learn to just be myself--to be bold. To not worry so much about what other people might think, and to stop taking everything personally.


But I still found myself struggling to design my life exactly the way I wanted. I was trying to figure out my purpose and tried multiple side hustles including network marketing as I worked "regular" jobs.


Nothing ever got off the ground. I saw everyone as a potential customer or new recruit (so I accepted every Facebook friend request!), struggled with imposter syndrome, and just felt like a failure.


I didn't set any boundaries and the few people I did attract to me weren't really aligned with me. I didn't even really want to grow a team but I kept trying because that was supposedly how you grew your business.


When I finally started to get clear on what I wanted my life to look like, I realized I had to set boundaries if I was going to make any real progress.
It was only through enforcing those boundaries and speaking up for myself that I was able to follow my path to learning Reiki (part of my soul's purpose) AND designing a business that aligns with how I want my life to look and feel.
For example, even beginning to take Reiki classes involved setting a boundary around what I want my life to look like and feeling worthy of pursuing my purpose.
And now in my business, I'm not open for clients all day long even though I probably could be. I don't respond to every DM in the hopes that I've attracted a potential client.
(I even had to fire a client in my previous job, which really tested my ability to set and maintain my boundaries. And I've brought that confident energy with me into my current business!)


I want to share all that I have learned with you in this intensive, but we're going to do more than just talk. I'm going to help you take action so that YOUR journey to confidently setting and enforcing boundaries can be even more accelerated than mine has been!


Are you ready to improve your life and move the needle in your business?

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Your Order

Boundaries Intensive - Early Bird
$77.00 USD

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Boundaries Intensive - Early Bird
$77.00 USD