Supercharged Workout — 4 Moves to Rule Them All

Supercharged Workout — 4 Moves to Rule Them All

The most common excuse for not working out is lack of time. Let’s be honest–we’re all busy. It can be tough to carve out enough time to go to the gym. It’s even tougher to get an effective full-body workout in a short amount of time.

Enter my Supercharged Workout! This IS a quick, effective workout you can do right at home (or even at the gym, if that’s your jam!) that targets your entire body in just 4 moves, in only 30 minutes! All you need is a set of free weights.

Each move is a combination move, intended to target two major muscle groups, PLUS your core, all at once. Of course, good form is imperative to ensure that your core is working the entire time, but I will show you how to perform each move–I’ll even offer modifications in case you have joint issues or other concerns! (**Of course, please consult your doctor before beginning ANY exercise program!)

Follow this program up to 3 times a week, or any day where you’re strapped for time but need a quick, full-body workout to do at home!

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(**Important disclaimer: This program is not intended to cure, diagnose, or treat any condition. Please consult your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program. I obviously will not physically be there with you as you perform these moves and I do not know your potential injuries or limitations, and I want you to be safe! If at any time you feel pain, dizziness, or any other negative feeling, or you just feel like these moves are not right for your body, please stop and discontinue use of this program.)